Nieuw album From First To Last in april
Het nieuwe album van From First To Last, dat de naam Dead Trees heeft gekregen, verschijnt volgend jaar in april. De plaat is gefinancierd middels een crowdfund project en markeert de comeback na een break van ruim drie jaar. Dat het album nog even op zich laat wachten is te wijten aan het feit dat er in het schema ook rekening gehouden moet worden met Periphery, de andere band van zanger Spencer Sotelo.
De band hoopt snel met concrete informatie te komen, maar voorlopig moeten fans het doen met onderstaand bericht.
Hey guys and gals, So we have been wanting to make an official update for a while now letting everyone know the day the record, first single, video, etc. are going to be released. As a lot of you probably know the record is finished and has been for a little bit now and we couldn’t be more stoked on it. The only issue we didn’t foresee was a scheduling conflict with Spencer’s other band Periphery. Basically they have a record coming out early next year and they wanna coordinate with us the release schedules so they don’t overlap. We have been waiting to release the date so we could give a hard actual confirmed day, but we still do not have one. So basically as of now we definitely for sure it will be sometime in the spring. Most likely april and the single and video will be before in normal fashion. The only reason we have been waiting to say anything is because we were hoping to deliver some concrete information but we also don’t wanna keep everyone hanging forever or for anyone to get the wrong idea. The other thing is because of the delay we are going to be fulfilling all other kickstarter prizes asap since we never could have foreseen this wait time. We want everyone to know we want the record out just as much as you. We all love and believe in it so much it is just a matter of politics at this point and its unfortunately something you run into from time to time when you’re in the music industry, or any industry really. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. We love you all