Blink-182 geliefd bij Mumford & Sons

Blink-182 geliefd bij Mumford & Sons

Onlangs liet de band Mumford & Sons in een interview weten, gefascineerd te zijn van Blink-182. Ondanks het grote verschil qua genre, is de Britse Folkrock bandMumford & Sons toch fan van de pop-punk van Blink-182.

Bekijk hieronder wat Mumford & Sons vertelde over Blink-182!

Mumford & Sons much-anticipated second album, Babel, is due out in late September, and it’s likely to catapult the band firmly into “major rock superstars” territory, if they’re not already there. Before the London quartet start hanging around with Bono and adopting weird alternate personae, though, they sat down to record an episode of The Hivecast with Matt Pinfield while they are still polite, relatable dudes – whose record collections probably look a lot like yours did when you were sixteen. “Ben and I went to Blink 182 last weekend, and it was amaaaaaazing,” Marcus Mumford tells Matt. “They played a 24-hit set. It was amazing. Every song was a massive tune. For most people, that would be quite a different kind of music to what we do.”

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