Frontman Incubus gaat opnieuw solo

Frontman Incubus gaat opnieuw solo

Brandon Boyd (frontman van Incubus) heeft bekend gemaakt dat hij na de “Honda Civic Tour”, weer aan de slag gaat met zijn tweede solo album.

I have been tinkering around, potentially, with a second solo record. That’s probably the most likely scenario. But as far as Incubus right now, we’ll probably take another break. Hopefully it won’t be as long (as the five-year wait for “If Not Now, When?’) but what we’d like to do is arrive with the best of intentions and try to create music from a sense of urgency as well as purity and not necessarily based on a schedule. I know that can be frustrating for our listeners and stuff, but I think we’ll make better music as a result.

Zijn debuutalbum ‘The Wild Trapeze’ kwam uit op 21 Juni 2010.

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