Dock 83 - Ceylon

Dock 83

Informatie over Dock 83 - Ceylon

Op 20 april verschijnt het nieuwe album Ceylon van de uit Utrecht afkomstige hardcoreband Dock 83. De plaat is een ode aan gitarist Samuel Crans’ moeder, die hij in 2015 verloren is aan kanker. Hij postte het volgende op Facebook:

In July of 2015, I lost my mom to cancer. I was obviously devastated but thankfully I found a way to deal with the loss. I started writing this record in early 2016, and throughout the whole process it has helped me to cope with what had happened, and how I should move forward from it. As I am typing this, I can’t help but feel very scared. I’m about to tell at least 1500 people that my mom is dead, so this must mean that it really happened, which I find hard to accept. I realize though that this is the only way forward, and that we have created something so valuable, that it would be a shame to keep it to ourselves.

My mother had great interest in Sri Lanka, always reading books about the country and telling me and my brothers that she once wanted to go there. Because she got ill, she never had the chance to do so. I decided to name the album after Sri Lanka’s old name, Ceylon. The message here is that everybody should try to find their own Ceylon: an inspiration to your life that gives you strength and motivation. I hope that the songs we made can be a part of your life, and bring you something good.

Een voorproefje komt in de vorm van het nummer “Waste Of Space”, dat je hieronder kunt beluisteren.


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