Gitarist en drummer verlaten Capture The Crown
Gitarist Jye Menzies en drummer Tyler March hebben besloten de Australische metalcore band Capture The Crown te verlaten. Menzies en March hebben beide een statement naar buiten gebracht over de situatie.
Menzies meldde het volgende:
“I’ve had a lot of questions lately regarding Capture The Crown. Some of you may know that I left the band after the last tour. Unfortunately, I was unable to continue to be a part of something that had become such negative force in my life. I was a founding member of Capture The Crown and put my entire life and myself into it, which made my decision very difficult and saddening. The fans I met and the friends I made will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for believing in me and helping me achieve a lot of my crazy life goals. I intend to continue writing music and following my passion. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask; I’ll answer them all honestly and to the best of my knowledge. Thank you all and see you soon.”
March liet het volgende weten:
“Well here goes nothing. To all that’s been asking, I have officially left Capture The Crown. It was my choice to leave the band, but that doesn’t mean that I am in any way upset or on bad terms with the current members in the band. I love those guys to death and only wish them the best. The new drummer is a good friend of mine as well. My heart isn’t in metal anymore. Believe it or not, I will be debuting as a pop country artist in the near future. Thanks to all the fans and everyone who made my experience in Capture amazing. I am so stoked for you guys to hear what I’m working on. Even if you don’t like country I’m positive that you will appreciate it. Thanks guys.”