La Dispute veilt items voor het goede doel
De heren van La Dispute veilen drie testdrukken van hun aankomende album Rooms Of The House. De opbrengsten van deze items gaat naar verschillende goede doelen. Het nieuwe album komt op 18 maart uit via hun eigen label Better Living, een samenwerking met Staple Records. Hieronder vind je details en het nieuwe nummer “Stay Happy There”.
As La Dispute readies to release their upcoming full-length Rooms of the House on March 18, 2014 via Better Living, in partnership with Staple Records, the band has decided to auction off 3 test presses of the new record for charity via eBay. Previously as part of the pre-order for the record, the band invited people who ordered to choose an organization in their respective region they would like to support through their purchase, with each organization receiving a donation depending on the number of votes procured. Now the band has taken this a step further with the eBay auction of 3 test presses for 3 different charities that they have selected. Each of the 3 charities will have a designated test press that is being auctioned with the purpose of all monies going specifically to them. More information can be seen at each of the auction links below:
826 National //
Teen Cancer America //
Girls Rock Camp Alliance //
Rooms of the House will be released on March 18, 2014 via the band’s own newly established label, Better Living, in partnership with Staple Records. Both digital pre-orders via iTunes ( and physical pre-orders for Rooms of the House are currently available and packages can be seen at Rooms of the House will be pressed on 3 colors, all of which are currently available for pre-order: blue swirl on clear (ltd to 1000 copies), blue (ltd to 1000 copies), and black. Pre-orders also come with a free download of the track “Stay Happy There”.