Our Last Night vraagt fans om hulp

Our Last Night vraagt fans om hulp

De heren van Our Last Night zijn een IndieGoGo project gestart om de opnames en release van nieuw materiaal te financiëren. De band hoopt hiermee hun doelstelling van $15.000 op te halen. De jonge muzikanten willen twee EP’s uitbrengen, waarvan één met de volledige band en de andere akoestisch.

Een aantal weken geleden kondigden ze aan niet langer bij Epitaph Records te zitten, hier leken ze ontzettend blij mee te zijn. Het enige nadeel is dus dat ze de volgende releases in eigen beheer en dus met eigen geld moeten uitbrengen. Daarom vraagt de band hun fans om hulp. Check hieronder een bericht van de band.


We are so thankful to have released 3 full length records in the past 6 years while touring the world. We recently fulfilled our record contract and have decided to release our next project DIY. Normally expenses such as studio time, recording equipment, marketing, music videos, etc are fronted by a label. Since we are now on our own, we are calling to our fans to help fund our new record by purchasing some really unique pre-sale packages and spreading the word of our Indiegogo campaign!

The Plan:

We will deliver a dynamic dual EP release. One EP will be done in our original high energy style while the second will be acoustic. Each EP will have the same songs but done in different styles. Our DIY marketing campaign will be mainly focused through YouTube, so our goal is to eventually release a video for every song on both EPs.

We are setting a tentative release date for November 5th! This is only 2 months out so the most exciting thing about this campaign is that you will see instant results from your generous contributions. We could be releasing new material as soon as one month from the beginning of this campaign! Luckily, we will be receiving contributions as they come in so we will be able to start this project right away.

Our campaign is set up as a flex-funding campaign meaning we will receive your contributions whether or not we reach our goal. If we do not reach our goal we will adjust our budget and proceed accordingly. We guarantee the highest possible product no matter what but the opportunity to work with the best equipment only becomes possible by reaching our goal. So lets make it happen!

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