The Devil Wears Prada vertelt over nieuw album
Momenteel is het nieuwe album van The Devil Wears Prada in de maak. Althans, het staat nog in de steigers. Zo liet zanger Mike Hranica weten dat hij momenteel bezig is met het schrijven van nummers en tussendoor maakte hij wat tijd vrij voor een interview met Loudwire. In dit interview vertelde hij dat, hoewel het proces van dit album pas net begonnen is, hij al erg enthousiast is. De band is net terug van een flinke tour en heeft dus weer tijd om zich op dit nieuwe album te storten. Ook hoopt Hranica dat de band vóór eventuele andere tours nog snel de studio in kan.
Naast het nieuwe The Devil Wears Prada album, is Mike Hranica ook bezig met een project waar hij al anderhalf jaar mee bezig is, maar nog niemand over heeft verteld. Hij kan alvast naar buiten brengen dat het geen muzikaal side-project is, maar dat er wel muziek bij betrokken is. Hij raadt iedereen dan ook aan de komende tijd zijn Twitter goed in de gaten te houden.
Hieronder kun je een fragment uit bovengenoemd interview lezen, enjoy!
When we talked at the Mayhem Festival last summer, the ideas for the new disc were just starting to pop up at that point. What can you tell me about how this album is progressing?
Since ‘Dead Throne’ came out, I knew what I wanted to do. This is not a conceptual record, but it’s kind of like what the underlying theme of the record would be. I’ve had that for a while, but after Mayhem we recorded four songs and actually tracked vocals and everything and now that we’re in Portland so far I have another four tracks and the rest of the guys have a number more on top of that. They’re really refining and fine tuning I suppose. Before we’re done here, I’ll try to track some more vocals so we’re definitely on the right page and being diligent about it. It’s exciting to be writing songs again.
I’m not sure of the timeline, but do you plan on recording before hitting the road or after?
We haven’t scheduled anything proper yet, but we’re trying to hop into the studio close to after the tour is finished. Right now, we did it with ‘Dead Throne’ and we’re doing the same thing this time around. We track everything and Chris [Rubey] demos everything out and I’ll do vocals over it and it really really enhances the pre-production process as far as getting into the studio. Last time, it was with Adam D. and really being able to cut the songs apart rather than standing in a room playing songs and saying, “I feel like you should change that,” and taking so much time to do that, you have it all right there in front of you. So we’ve realized how important that is in terms of being sustainable and sufficient and recording and coming up with the best songs that we can so, right now it’s just a matter of writing songs and working on the songs that Chris already has and then demoing it all out and throwing some sloppy vocals over it and having a couple of months to listen over it and then when you hit the studio you can say, “Oh the progression should have gone this way so the melody can go this way” … so really that’s the important thing to us. Everything is tracked out, but not really sounding very good.
Obviously we’ve got the touring coming up and the record is primary in your mind, but any other things on the horizon we should be looking for?
I’m close to finishing up a project I’ve been working on for about a year-and-a-half, but I haven’t told anyone about but I can almost start telling people about it pretty soon. Tentatively keep an eye out. I need to use this Twitter thing to let people know what I’m doing.
Is it a solo thing or full band?
No, it’s not musical. It involves music but it’s not a side project.