Gorillaz deelt “The Book of Noodle”
In de aanloop naar het langverwachte nieuwe Gorrilaz album heeft de band “The Book of Noodle” online gezet. Via Twitter en Instagram is te lezen wat Gorillaz zangeres en gitariste Noodle zoal heeft meegemaakt voor de opnames van het album. Lees het hele verhaal onderaan de pagina.
“The Book of Noodle” hebben we hieronder alvast samengevat. Lees het hele verhaal onderaan de pagina. Op de officiële Gorillaz Twitter en Instagram zal het verhaal, voorzien van artwork en kleine geluidsfragmentjes, slechts voor een beperkte tijd beschikbaar zijn. Voor hoe lang precies is echter niet bekend.
SPOILERS- In het kort: Noodle is na de aanval op Plastic Beach ergens in Japan aangespoeld. Hier laat ze per ongeluk een eeuwen oude demon vrij. Na een intensieve zoektocht weet Noodle dit duivelsbeest te onthoofden.
Het laatste album van Gorillaz, The Fall, verscheen in 2011, gevolgd door een losse single “Do Ya Thing”. Wanneer het vijfde album van deze fictieve formatie uitgebracht wordt is nog niet bekend.
“She drifted away from Plastic Beach to safety, or so she thought. years later Noodle is face to face with pure evil … Will she prevail? Read on. But be quick
“Days after the attack on Plastic Beach, Noodle awoke in a strange Japanese village that smelled of fish. It was a fishing village. She’d been nursed back to health by an old pearl diver named Chiyoko, so to repay her kindness, Noodle took a jab as her apprentice.“She was a natural (having shared a tour bus with Murdoc, she was really good at holding her breath). But one day, deep beneath the waves, Noodle prized open a pearl shell of unearthly size, accidentally releasing an ancient hell demon. It scarpered, ready to party likt it’s 1499.
“Noodle learned that this was Mazuu, a shape shifting devil of unimaginable evil, that could take human form. It had to be destroyed. To do so, she must remove its head from its body. Or the other way around.“But finding a shapeshifter is like looking for a beard at an Arcade Fire concert. For years, Noodle pursued Maazu across Japan, from the heights of Mt. Fuji to the deepest darkest forests. Finally, she tracked Maazu to Tokyo, where it had risen to the top of the criminal underworld.
“Disguising herself as a geisha, Noodle infiltrated its debauched headquarters, The Demon’s Lodge. And there, while Maazu was distracted by a heated bout of “Drink While You Think, she lopped off its head. His earthly existence was over. And the carpet was ruined.
“Escaping Mazuu’s Sumo bodyguards, Noodle packed herself into a FedEx crate with dried fish, bottled water and a copy of Moby Dick – if she was ever to finish Melville’s onerous classic, it was now.“Her package was addressed:
West London, England
c/o Murdoc Niccals”