Zanger Dream On, Dreamer genezen van kanker

Drowning Pool

Zanger Dream On, Dreamer genezen van kanker

Dream On, Dreamer-zanger Marcel Gadacz meldt in een post op Instagram dat hij genezen is van kanker. De zanger van de Australische post-hardcore band werd ongeveer een jaar geleden gediagnosticeerd met een zeldzame vorm van kanker in zijn ruggengraat en bekken, en heeft door middel van alternatieve geneesmethoden de ziekte overwonnen.

Lees de post van de zanger hier.

Almost a year ago I got diagnosed with a rare type of cancer in my spine and pelvis called LCH. I was recommended a 12 months chemotherapy which I didn’t want to participate in. We looked out for alternative herbal medicines and it turns out that they have actually cured my cancer and I’m CLEARED now! I’m so happy to have beaten this thing (for now) without the help of conventional treatments. I find it kind of scary how people get dragged into believing that their only option to beat cancer is to undergo treatments such as Chemo and Radiotherapy. Seeing that those treatments are in so many cases Cancer causing rather than ‘curing’. There’s such a lack of education when it comes to this topic. My long rant is over soon but all I’m saying is do your research, be open minded to herbal medicines and give it at least a chance. If anyone is interested what exactly I’ve been taking to cleanse my body, I’ll be posting something about it soon. For now I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been there for me, given me mental and physical support and of course my Naturopath for introducing me to all herbs that I didn’t even know existed. It did do wonders 🍁 #cancerfree #naturopathy #herbs #cancer #love #life

Een foto die is geplaatst door MARCEL GADACZ (@marcelgadacz) op

Op 22 oktober treedt de band op in Baroeg in Rotterdam, samen met Breakdown Of Sanity en Novelists. Tickets voor deze show zijn verkrijgbaar via de site van Baroeg. Bekijk hieronder de video voor “Don’t Lose Your Heart”.

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