Corey Taylor over toekomst Slipknot


Corey Taylor over toekomst Slipknot

Slipknot-frontman Corey Taylor heeft in een podcast met BBC Radio 1-DJ Daniel P Carter een boekje open gedaan over de toekomst van Slipknot. Wanneer aan de inmiddels 42-jarige Taylor wordt gevraagd of hij het touren ooit op zou geven, antwoordt de frontman het volgende:

”You know, honestly, if you’d have asked me a year ago I would have said no. But just now, I’m just kinda’ starting to… I’m 42, I’m not young anymore and as willing as my will is, I’m just beat up.

I don’t know if I would retire. I might step away from Slipknot at some point, just because the way the music is; that sense of energy. I don’t know if I could be able to do that into my 50s. And I would never want the band to feel like I was holding them back because I just couldn’t physically do it. So that means I wouldn’t completely quit music, I would probably just step away from Slipknot.”

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