Thom Green (Alt-J) over solo album
Drummer van Alt-J, Thom Green, heeft aangegeven aan een solo album te werken. De release wordt verwacht voor het voorjaar van 2016.
Tegen Dummy heeft de drummer een boekje over zijn soloplaat. Na de release van Alt-J’s This is All Yours (september 2014) begon het werken aan de soloplaat:
“I’ve been working on my album consciously for about a year and a half. I’m hoping to release it early 2016. I’ve got to the point now where I’m making three to four tracks per week and I found myself getting confused and frustrated because I don’t know what to leave and what to include in the album. I’ve made a point now to leave the album alone and almost forget about it so I can concentrate on being in the moment of writing, which is what it all comes down to. I’m very excited to finally release everything, I’m very proud of what I’ve made. I’m planning on making it into a live show with some live video made by a friend of mine.”