Frontman Enter Shikari slaat fan tijdens optreden

Frontman Enter Shikari slaat fan tijdens optreden

Rou Reynolds, de frontman van Enter Shikari, sloeg tijdens een recente show in op een fan. Dit deed hij niet zomaar, deze fan zou de zanger namelijk vol in het kruis gegrepen hebben en dit viel niet erg in de smaak.

“I defy anyone to have their scrotum grabbed and not lash out instinctively”, verdedigde Reynolds zich vervolgens in een statement. Bekijk hieronder een video van het voorval en het statement van de frontman.

Hi all, Rou here.

Just seen this video and in order to stop speculation just thought I’d clear up what happened.

After performing the end of ‘Radiate’ in the crowd some people behind me began trying to pull my trousers down . I tried to push them away a few times but due to the density of the crowd this didn’t work. It then progressed (perhaps fuelled by some sort of stubborn oneupmanship) and I began to have my buttocks and my… er, ‘undercarriage’ groped. At this point I spun round pretty shocked and intimidated and asked angrily if they “wanted a punch” – lighter approaches having not worked! – hoping his would stop it.

That seemed to do the opposite and gave them more vigour. I defy anyone to have their scrotum grabbed and not lash out instinctively…

Obviously violence is never the answer and I’m very unhappy personally with how I acted. I should have left the crowd and headed back to stage immediately when this started happening but due to the density of the crowd and the intensity of the situation things played out differently, I’m only human.

The rest of the show was thoroughly enjoyable and the audience overall were great. Everyone else we met before and after the show was absolutely lovely too. It’s a shame but obviously because of this incident I won’t be heading into densely packed crowds in the near future.

P.S. To address the “they paid to see you, so it doesn’t matter what they did…” argument; the ticket price for an Enter Shikari show doesn’t include free access to my gonads I’m afraid. You’re not a doctor. And I’m not a prostitute. We appreciate & respect every single person that supports us and all we ask in return is respect back. The way this person/people acted was not respectful whatsoever.

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