Tom DeLonge ‘maakte contact met aliens’

Tom DeLonge ‘maakte contact met aliens’

Tom DeLonge, bekend van onder meer Blink-182 en Angels & Airwaves, heeft in een recent interview beweerd dat hij contact heeft gehad met aliens. Ook zou hij in gevaar verkeren omdat hij ’te veel weet’. Hieronder kun je een fragment uit bovengenoemd interview lezen, waarin DeLonge meer vertelt over zijn buitenaardse ervaring.

We had two nights. We did one outside of a secret base called China Lake. And that was on the flight path to Area 51, which is known as Groom Lake. We camped out at the northern end of that, about 200 miles from the nearest staff location. We were above an area called Tonopah, which is where they test-fly a lot of different things. So if you remember, I was talking about a person that was gathering all that footage for the congressional hearing. That person was telling me that that the big belief, which I had corroborated by a university professor that was in the know, by the way, that the communication of this particular phenomenon is the frequency of thought. So part of communicating and making contact is shutting your mind down and being able to project your thoughts. And this guy was telling me about it, and this whole protocol for how it works. When we went out there the first night, we decided to run through this protocol where you project your thoughts. So we decided to do it, and we were up mad late, but nothing happened. I kept telling the guys: if anything was going to happen, it would happen at three in morning, because that’s the time when things like this happen. Don’t ask me why. We put about four logs on the fire, and everything is illuminated by the fire, and we fall asleep around one or two. I woke up right around three a.m. My whole body felt like it had static electricity, and I open my eyes and the fire is still going, and there’s a conversation going on outside the tent. It sounded like there were about 20 people there, talking. And instantly my mind goes, OK, they’re at our campsite, they’re not here to hurt us, they’re talking about shit, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. But they’re working on something. Then I close my eyes and wake up, and the fire is out and I have about three hours of lost time.

I get everyone up first thing in the morning and go, “Did anybody hear all the chatter last night? I couldn’t move my body, I was stuck there. I couldn’t hear anything.” And one of the guys I was with goes, “Yes! They were all around our tent, they were talking. I told you!” And the other guy slept right through it. He had no idea what we were talking about. [laughs] It sounded like English, but you couldn’t make out any words. You knew you weren’t threatened, you couldn’t move your body, but you were very aware of the conversation going on for a period of time. But this is the scary part. If you look up and study abductions of people, people that have had contact, and a lot of the stuff you can read from John Mack; he was [a member of] Harvard’s psychiatry department. He almost lost his job because he started writing books about UFOs and people getting abducted. Harvard tried to kick him out of the medical group, but they lost. He got hit by a car in mysterious circumstances. Pretty odd, right? But when you read his books and study what he was doing, a lot of people who have these contacts talk a lot about chatter, like you’re in the middle of people working. How fucking crazy is that? Nothing else. No footprints, no weird like marks or anything like that.

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