Gitarist verlaat Transit
Tim Landers, gitarist van Transit, heeft laten weten niet langer onderdeel uit te maken van de band. Landers heeft op Twitter meer verteld over zijn vertrek en zegt dat hij wel mee heeft geschreven aan het nieuwe album, maar er niet op te horen zal zijn. Joyride verschijnt op 21 oktober via Rise Records.
I sincerely appreciate the support from anyone responding to the news of Transit and I parting ways. I am a lucky man to do what I love.
— tim landers (@terencetimothy) August 24, 2014
I know for sure the band will rock on without me, as they are all talented individuals. Don't think any differently.
As for Joyride…
— tim landers (@terencetimothy) August 24, 2014
I did write and contribute to the album with Transit. Alas, I have been led to believe that anything I physically tracked is not on Joyride.
— tim landers (@terencetimothy) August 24, 2014
I am sure it is great.
— tim landers (@terencetimothy) August 24, 2014
For me: you will hear much new music from @weareoffandon soon- that's is where my head and hands have been.
— tim landers (@terencetimothy) August 24, 2014
To anyone asking about @missermusic , Brad and I worked on some songs together when he was last in Boston. More music in the future.
— tim landers (@terencetimothy) August 24, 2014