Mark Hoppus’ Nothing And Nobody werkt aan album

Mark Hoppus’ Nothing And Nobody werkt aan album

Mark Hoppus zijn nieuwe band Nothing And Nobody zal dit najaar, nog voordat Blink-182 de studio in zal gaan, gaan werken aan een album. Dit liet Hoppus weten in een interview met Lees hieronder een fragment uit dit interview. I was just reading briefly about this new band you are starting yourself, Nothing And Nobody, and I was wondering if Blink-182 is still your first priority?

Hoppus: Yes, Blink is always my number one love and priority and Blink is where I get the greatest satisfaction in my life outside of my family so that will always be where I put the lion’s share of my energy and creativity and love. There is also downtime though, when Tom and Travis and I are doing other things, so my friend Chris and I have been working off and on over about a year on some songs. And when we finish this tour there is three months free before Blink hits the studio, so Chris and I are going to hopefully put the record together during those three months. It’ll just be a fun project to do while Blink is on How do you see that turning out then? Is that going to play to your liking for the dirtier, more compact indie rock?

Hoppus: I think so yeah, but there is a heavy electronic part to it because Chris is very adept at keyboards and synths and also guitars, and we are talking to different drummers. So the future actually feels wide open with that, but it will always be something separate and outside of Blink and something we do for fun on downtime.

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