Hayley Williams heeft borstinfectie
Paramore heeft twee shows van de Monument Tour met Fall Out Boy moeten afgelasten. Dit doordat zangeres en frontvrouw Hayley Williams een borstinfectie heeft en lijdt aan oververmoeidheid. Haar artsen hebben geadviseerd rust te nemen. De zangeres praatte laatst al over ouder worden in Paramore en liet toen weten dat ze merkt dat ze geen zestien meer is. Lees hieronder een statement van Williams.
Writing from my bunk to let you know that my doctor and my vocal coach have told me I can’t play tonight either. I have a chest infection and … Something called “exhaustion”. Ha.
Words in this tiny little message cannot begin to express my frustration, sadness, and overall loopiness (the latter is likely just from the cortisone and antibiotics…ugh.)
Corpus Christi, you’ve been on my mind since I woke up this afternoon and Dallas, you’ll be on my mind the rest of the night. I absolutely hate canceling anything. Admitting defeat is a tough thing for this gal.
Anyway. Thanks for understanding as much as you can. Of course any frustration on your part is totally understandable. I’m thankful for all the get well soon’s and all the love I’ve seen online. Big special thanks for FOB camp as well for helping by extending their set last night. We absolutely love being out here with those guys and their crew.
As for the rest of the tour. It is still on. Doctor thinks I’ll be good to go in the next day and certainly before the next show.
Texas, the guys and I will be back to you as soon as we can.
Pray for me if you pray. Fist bump me if you don’t.