Mark Hoppus werkt aan nieuw project
Mark Hoppus, onder meer bekend van Blink-182, werkt aan een nieuw muzikaal project met Chris Holmes. De twee zijn geen onbekenden van elkaar, Holmes heeft ook al jaren mee gewerkt aan +44 en Blink-182. In het nieuwe project zullen Hoppus en Holmes allebei zingen en er zijn al zo’n acht songs klaar. Check hieronder een fragment uit een recent interview.
What do you have going on personally?
“We launched the Hi My Name Is Mark [clothing] line last month, so I’m working on that, and collaborating with different artists. My engineer [and co-producer of Neighborhoods], Chris Holmes, and I also started trading songs a few months ago. I just had some ideas floating round and blink wasn’t really doing anything at that point, so we decided we would get together and do something fun. We probably have seven or eight songs in various stages of completion. I haven’t chosen a name [for the project] yet; we still have to figure that out. It’s like guitar mixed with electronics… at this point. It will be me and him singing. Probably at the end of this year/early next year we’ll have some music out.”