Interview: New Years Day

Interview: New Years Day

Onlangs bracht New Years Day hun tweede studioalbum Victim To Villain uit. Met dit album maakte de band een overstap naar een duisterdere, zwaardere sound die ook wel ‘hauntedmansioncore’ genoemd wordt. Het vijftal heeft nog nooit buiten Amerika opgetreden, maar wie weet komt daar verandering in met het nieuwe album. DutchScene sprak met zangeres Ash over Victim To Villain, touren en meer.

How are you doing?
I am lovely thank you!

I saw you have performed at Warped Tour, how was that? 
Well in one word, I would describe it as HOT! It was so much fun though. Really had a great time getting to know the other bands and meeting all of our fans around our country.

You released your new album “Victim To Villain” a few weeks ago. How did people respond to it? It had a great response! It was a step in a darker, heavier, more mature direction for us, so we were a LITTLE bit concerned on how people would react, and I would say it was 99% in our favor!

What made you choose for the darker, heavier sound you refer to as ‘hauntedmansioncore’?
Aw I love that term! I was just born this way. Ive always had an affection for the darker things in life. My grandma who raised me made props for theater and horror movies, and was a practicing Witch… Its just a part of who I am.

Who or what inspired you during the process of making the album?
Just life. Unfortunately I can really only write songs when I am feeling extremely emotional which pretty much only happens when I am angry or heartbroken… ITs just the way I am.

How did the collaboration with Chris Motionless come about? Do you like the way it turned out?
I LOVED the way it turned out. He has turned into quite the amazing friend, and I know Ive said this a few times, but the collaboration just sort of happened. We got to talking and then all of a sudden he was in our studio laying down the vocal tracks.

Would you like to perform in The Netherlands anytime soon? Have you ever visited our country? I have only been to Canada and Mexico outside of the U.S… but yes we would love to!

What’s a live show of New Years Day like?
Its a show! We like to have surprises and elements and things that you would not expect to see. It is quite horror show!

Are there any weird/funny requests on your rider?
Funny you should ask! The only odd request, that has never been fulfilled… is dharma initiative jump suits from the TV show LOST.

You’re a female fronted band so you’re probably being compared to Paramore a lot. Does that ever bother you? It does not bother me because they are a great band! So its a compliment, but it does bother me because we DO NOT sound anything like Paramore, I just wish people were not so narrow minded. Its a very ignorant comparison to make.

Do you prefer festivals over club shows or the other way around? Why?
Thats a tough decision. Both have their pros and cons.

Pick anyone: who would you like to work with in the future?
Gerard Way, Davey Havok, Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie!

What’s your favorite thing about touring?
Meeting all of our ghoulish fans.

What can we expect from New Years Day in the (near) future?
Expect to see us keep rising to the top!

Is there anything you’d like to say to your Dutch fans?
We love love LOVE you! Can not wait to meet you!

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