‘Frontman As I Lay Dying wilde echtgenote laten vermoorden’
Tim Lambesis, frontman van As I Lay Dying, is vanochtend gearresteerd en wordt ervan beschuldigd zijn vrouw te willen vermoorden. Hij zou een huurmoordenaar willen inhuren om de vrouw te laten verdwijnen. Toen de politie aan de weet kwam dat Lambesis dit van plan was, hebben zij snel gehandeld en hem meteen gearresteerd, nog voordat Lambesis de kans kreeg om iemand in te huren. Hieronder kun je een kort rapport van de politie lezen.
Lambesis was taken into custody on Tuesday in Oceanside, California, after he solicited help in the scheme from the undercover detective, said San Diego County Sheriff’s Department spokeswoman Jan Caldwell.
Police had previously learned Lambesis was seeking someone who could commit the slaying, Caldwell said.
“The information came to us late last week. We acted quickly on it. I believe that we averted a great tragedy,” she said.
Caldwell said the ongoing investigation prevented her from disclosing any details about why Lambesis might have wanted to have his estranged wife killed or how police first learned about what they described as his murder plan.
Lambesis is expected to appear in court for an arraignment on Wednesday or Thursday. A spokesman for the San Diego District Attorney’s Office could not be reached for comment.