Lordi toont artwork en tracklist nieuw album

Lordi toont artwork en tracklist nieuw album

De Finse monsterrockers van Lordi brengen in maart dit jaar een nieuw album uit, genaamd To Beast Or Not To Beast. Onlangs heeft de band de artwork en tracklist van dit album bekend gemaakt. De frontman, Mr. Lordi, ontwerpt alle albumcovers en illustraties zelf, zo ook van dit album. Hierover vertelt hij het volgende:

 “The album cover painting is actually a part of a larger picture. The original artwork had this vintage- styled lady holding a horned skull, which, however, was not the main point of the art piece.There was something not quite right with the setting, so I made experiments with various versions and frames. Album title was Upgradead at that point in time, and the painting was done with that title in mind. But now, with a changed concept of the artwork, the title did not seem to fit anymore. We did not consider it an A-class name either. Our guitarist Amen came up with the final title, which we felt suitable and perfect both for the cover artwork and the album.”

De eerste single van het album draagt de naam “The Riff” en wordt uitgebracht op 8 februari. Hieronder kun je de artwork en tracklist van To Beast Or Not To Beast bekijken!


We’re Not Bad For The Kids (We’re Worse)
I Luv Ugly
The Riff
Something Wicked This Way Comes
I’m The Best
Happy New Fear
Schizo Doll
Candy For The Cannibal
Sincerely With Love
SCG6: Otus’ Butcher Clinic


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