Cassadee Pope’s debuutalbum verschijnt al in februari
Cassadee Pope’s debuutalbum verschijnt in februari. Althans, dat hoopt ze. Zo liet ze in een interview weten dat ze dolgraag zo snel mogelijk met nieuw materiaal wil komen. Over ongeveer een week of twee kunnen we, als het aan Pope ligt, al een eerste single verwachten. Tot nu toe heeft ze enkel akoestisch materiaal geschreven, maar Cassadee hoopt dat de nummers met behulp van goede producers wat levendiger gemaakt zullen worden.
Eerder gaf de zangeres aan dat haar eerste album een sound zal krijgen die vergelijkbaar is met de muziek van Taylor Swift, maar dan ‘edgier’ en met volwassenere teksten. Hieronder kun je een fragment uit bovengenoemd interview lezen.
TVLINE | With that iTunes momentum happening right now, how urgent is it to get some new music released in the next few months? Do you feel like you have to strike while you’re still really present in Voice fans’ minds, or is it a matter of taking your time with the music and releasing it when it feels right?
I definitely want to hit the ground running. I want to get started on making an album or at least a single. Everything shuts down for the holidays, so I’ll have to wait until January 1 to pick things up again. But I really want to release a single mid-January [2013]. I know that that’s really soon. But I want to be involved in the writing, I want to do co-writes with people and get something going as soon as possible. I’m hoping to release an album in January or February. The thing is, I’ve been writing. I’ve always kept writing. There’s never been a moment where I went through a spell where I just don’t write. So I have a lot of material, which I’m really excited about. It’s all acoustic right now, but as soon as I can get in the studio with some great producers it’ll probably come to life. I’ll experiment a little bit with my sound. But I want to do pop-rock, maybe even crossover into country just a little bit, too, because I know that that’s more common now than it was before.