Nieuwe video Simple Plan

Nieuwe video Simple Plan

Simple Plan heeft een videoclip online gezet voor het nummer “This Song Saved My Life” van hun album Get Your Heart On! Je kunt de videoclip hieronder bekijken. Over de videoclip zei de band het volgende:

“We are very proud to team up with MTV EXIT in their ongoing campaign to end human trafficking and exploitation. Helping out young people in need is the central mission of our own charitable efforts with the Simple Plan Foundation and this collaboration with MTV EXIT gives us a chance to get involved and try to make a difference. 

Last May, we had the privilege to travel with the MTV EXIT team to Sapa, Vietnam to shoot a documentary on victims of human trafficking and got to witness first-hand the absolutely devastating impact these horrible crimes can have on young people. We hope that, together with our fans, we can help bring awareness about this difficult situation and that this music video can help MTV EXIT and other great organizations working in the region to empower young people with knowledge.”

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