Confide heeft nieuw album ‘gekickstarterd’
Misschien zegt de naam Confide je niet (meer) zo veel. De heren hebben de band in 2010 op een laag pitje gezet, maar zij zijn terug! Ze gaan een nieuw reunion album opnemen, maar hier hadden ze wel geld voor nodig. Daarom startten zij een Kickstarter-project. Hieronder kun je een statement van de band lezen.
After spending 5 years touring around the world to, approximately, 15 different countries, Confide decided to disband in 2010 with no intention of ever getting back together. Following two years of consistent support and encouragement from fans, family and friends, recently the idea of writing another record came to our thoughts. When introduced to Kickstarter and it’s intelligent concept of creating projects for which fans, or what are called “backers”, take the initiative to raising the funds necessary to make ideas become realities, Confide was sold on the possibility of writing another record together.
So, here we are coming to you, the people that have constantly supported us in all we do, asking you to help us make this a reality. Being able to do another album for you all would not just be your typical release from another band, but an album that we would be completely free of any musical restriction or creative boundaries. Not being on a record label or touring anymore would supply us with the adequate amount of time and freedom to write a record that we would love from start to finish, with no stress or worry of making any manager, agent or label satisfied, but just us and you, the fans (backers), happy with the outcome.
Momenteel is het volledige album al gesponsord, binnen 85 uur was het doel van de band al bereikt, terwijl zij nog zeker 26 dagen over hadden waarin gesponsord kon worden. Duidelijk dus, dat niet alleen de band, maar ook de fans ontzettend enthousiast zijn over het nieuwe album.