Drummer terug naar The Dangerous Summer
The Dangerous Summer heeft onlangs een flinke US tour bekend gemaakt, maar opmerkelijker nog is dat zij ook naar buiten hebben gebracht dat drummer Tyler Minsberg weer terug is bij de band om mee te gaan op tour en mee te werken aan het nieuwe album van de band. Of hij permanent terug is bij de band nog niet duidelijk op dit moment.
In januari dit jaar maakte dezelfde Tyler bekend de band te verlaten om ‘persoonlijke redenen’. Wat er precies voor heeft gezorgd dat hij van gedachten is veranderd is niet bekend, maar dat is nu eigenlijk niet het belangrijkste. Hieronder kun je de statement teruglezen die Minsberg online plaatste ten tijde van zijn vertrek uit The Dangerous Summer.
I feel it is absolutely my responsibility to both quiet any rumors and answer any questions regarding my participation with The Dangerous Summer. As of roughly over a month and half ago, I made the decision to sever myself from that band for personal reasons.
I’d like to thank from the bottom of my heart my fans, my family, my label, any industry personnel , and without any question the band that allowed me to live a dream that I had since I was a child. You all gave me an opportunity that I will never forget and that I can proudly say, I never took for granted. I learned about myself as a person, and as a professional musician through four great years of writing, recording, and performing live, a style of music that I felt perfectly fit the message that I wanted to help express.
The most important thing I hope is that none of you take this personally. You all did exactly what I wished from you and that was unconditional support. Please do not stop supporting this band, but do not think that I am finished with music. I have all different kinds of plans regarding my involvement in the music industry, and I hope that if I present you the audience with anything new, I can count on the incredible strength you gave me once again. I love you all. Thank you.
-Tyler Minsberg