A Rocket To The Moon maakt album af

A Rocket To The Moon maakt album af

A Rocket To The Moon heeft laatst bekend gemaakt dat hun nieuwe album af gemaakt is. Het album bevat 13 nummers, en A Rocket To The Moon hoopt hun album in het begin van de zomer uit te brengen. Hieronder staat een deel van een interview:

Any collaborations on the album that we can expect?
We are friends with a band called Love and Theft, a country band out of Nashville. We’re good friends with one of the dudes in the band named Stephen [Barker Liles]. We wrote a song with him, we actually got him to come and sing on the song as well.

We’re friends with this girl called Liz Huett. She is Taylor Swift’s backup singer. She came and she sang on the song , doing some backup vocals. It was cool to get those two on the same song. It makes it sound a hundred times cooler than what we could have done.

How was working with Mark Bright (Carrie Underwood, Rascal Flatts)?
It was unreal! I am a fan of everything he has put out. I am a big country music fan, and he’s a country music producer. Going out with him, he is an amazing dude – very smart and very talented. He is a massive inspiration. He knows exactly what he is doing. He is probably the best producer that I have ever been around or met. He is unreal. He kind of brings a whole new feel to the band. It’s amazing.”

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