Gitarist Anarbor stopt ermee
Onlangs heeft Anarbor bekend gemaakt dat hun gitarist Adam Juwig ermee gaat stoppen. Hij is erachter gekomen dat hij het thuis toch wel heel fijn vindt, en niet langer acht tot tien maanden van huis wilt zijn. Daarom heeft hij besloten dat het beter is als hij de band verlaat. Ook gaat hij weer terug naar school, waar hij een normaal leven kan leiden. Wel zal hij nog spelen op de tour die Anarbor samen gaat doen met Mayday Parade.
Bekijk hieronder de statement die de band onlangs heeft gepubliceerd.
So, some of you might have been wondering if I had fallen off the face of the world or not. About two months ago, I made the decision to leave Anarbor and go back to school full time and live a normal life. It was a very hard decision to make and wasn’t a spontaneous decision. The whole time we had been touring, I had always had a yearning to go back to school and get my degree. After the “Do America” Tour, we had the longest break at home that we’ve had since we first began touring. Over the past few months, I was reminded of how much I loved being home and living a normal life. Being away from home for 8 to 10 months out of the year is just something that doesn’t interest me anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved touring and playing shows everyday with my best friends, just being gone so much and not having stability can get a little irritating. The memories I’ve made over the past 9 years of being in Anarbor will be things I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life. There’s no bad blood between me or any of the guys. I still hang out with the guys all the time, and our friendship is the most important thing. I still play guitar and write songs of my own, maybe they’ll get recorded one day. Make sure to go check out the guys on the upcoming “end of the world” tour, the guys are gonna kill it! I’d like to thank everyone at Hopeless Records, Justin and everyone at The Agency Group, David McKay, Mike Green, Danny Rukasin, Brandon Goodman and everyone else at The Working Group Management. A HUGE thank you goes out to all the fans out there, you guys are the reason why the band can continue to stay on the road and making records. I’ll never forget anything about this journey, thank you all