Oliver Sykes’ statement over vechtpartij
Op de avond van 3 oktober kregen de heren van Bring Me The Horizon onenigheid tijdens een show. Mensen gooiden flesjes op het podium, waarop frontman Oli Sykes die mensen uitmaakt voor “pussy’s”. Daarop reageerde een deel van het publiek door het podium op te klimmen en de band wat klappen te verkopen.
Zie hieronder van Oliver Sykes hierover te zeggen heeft:
“Just to clear any rumours… Nothing happened last night apart from a bunch of soft lads stomped on a lil kids head 5 seconds into our set, so we stopped playing, had a bit of a banter with em telling em to do one, then some fatty gets on stage tries to hit me, in which he completely fails, misses and falls over, and then gets sparked out by someone In our touring party. The “crew” then responded by running around the venue, breaking a very young girls jaw and stamping on her, and injuring a few more of our young fans. Proper hard init.
Not a member in Bmth or any of our touring party got so much as a scratch, oh one did want me to know he fucked my wife though, which hit me hard as you know I’ve been happily married for a long time now :)
Fucking mongs eh? What can u do?”