DutchScene presents: The Friday Gossip

DutchScene presents: The Friday Gossip

Binnenkort staat The Friday Gossip in het voorprogramma van Only Seven Left’s “3FM Presents” tour en zijn ze klaar om ook in Nederland ontdekt te worden. De Franse band heeft onlangs hun allereerste album “Back With Brothers” uitgebracht en is trots dat zij steeds belangrijker worden in de Franse ‘scene’. Al nieuwsgierig naar meer over deze band? Klik dan snel op meer!

The Friday Gossip, can you tell us more about the band and this name?
The Friday Gossip is a four-piece pop-punk band from the westcoast of France. The band went through a lot of line up changes, but now, we’ve got the best line-up we could ever imagine the meaning of the band’s name is really simple and sounds fun to us. Friday’s the week end, and before hanging out with your friends before the week end’s parties, there are always some gossips about some people. and the funny thing is that, after partying, another gossips are born… and it goes on and on.

You guys just released your first studio album “Back with Brothers”, annouced two shows in the Netherlands with Only Seven Left and the band was featured in Rock One, can we talk about a dream that is becoming reality?
Yes! we released our album, and for a first album, we are proud of our work. Now that it’s released, we hit the road to perform our work as much as we can! And that’s what we’re going to do with Only seven left, we look forward to see them live, they are awesome. Featuring in Rock one Magazine is such a cool thing, Not yet a dream becoming reality, but we will do everything to realize all our dreams!

What is the bands biggest influence?
We are all strongly influenced by All Time Low, more particularly because when they came to Paris for the first time last year, I (Charles) played with them one song on stage, lot of memories, they are best!

Which bands do you prefer to compare yourself with?
We made our album, with the idea of making a great mix of American catchy sound of many bands, and a little intensity on some songs, with breakdowns and alternations of voices in the manner of bands like Four Year Strong or Set Your Goals.

What is the bands biggest achievement til now?
Our biggest achievement? Seeing that our album has been appreciated, and also that the number of fans grows everyday, the fanbase is building up really fast. Thanks to our album, we are performing shows almost everywhere in France, and even in awesome foreign countries like Netherlands haha!

Why should DutchScene readers especially check you guys out?
Check us out for our french touch, and because we are frogs eater! haha! No, seriously check us if you like pop-punk music, dancing and having a blast with your friends!
We really hope to see you in our acts in Dordrecht and Vlissingen on the 11th and 12th of February!

Thank you very very very much to DutchScene for your questions!
Love From TFG

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